Jan 7, 2009

History of Cloning

Cloning of non-mammals was first accomplished in 1952, but mammals proved to be more difficult. Dolly was the first successful mammal clone in 1996. Mice and cows came shortly after in 1998 and pigs in 2000. The first cat was cloned in 2001. Rabbits were cloned in 2002, and the first cloned human embryos were not produced until 2001 by a private company (ADVANCED CELL TECNOLGY). But the first ever cloning of a human Blastocyst was not produced until 2004 by a group in Korea.


  1. i dont beleive in cloning

  2. someone should clone robert pattinson and talylor lautner so we can have doubles of the 2 hottest guyz ever!!!

    1. You're retarded. You're on this website looking at advanced technology that could help save thousands of lives, give life to parents who can't reproduce, and peaks the interests of scientists everywhere, and that's what you think we should do with this technology? You do realize they start out as babies right, and if you think babies are hot, you're gross.
